The Goodall and Motion Family History by Bill Goodall

[Ian Goodall writes: Dad's history doesn't contain much about the remaining sister, Kate Motion (1881-1963), his Mother. I have only sketchy memories of my Grandmother, partly because of very limited contact, confined to a week or so as part of the family summer holiday from Islay to the south of England every year. I remember she seemed easy going, was always smiling and was softly spoken.]

I've written quite a lot about the four Motion sisters - incidentally all four died about the same age of 83 - and I suppose in present day terms they did not achieve very much. But I would disagree in that all of them lived caring and useful lives in support of their parents, husbands and children.

I'm very conscious of the fact that this is a very inadequate story and I must repeat what I wrote at the beginning. If the present generation is interested in family history now is the time to chat to their elders about facts or even legends.
Written by: William M Goodall
Edited by: Ian W Goodall
January 2000

© 2000 William Motion Goodall & Ian William Goodall 

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